Stefan Hoffman Stefan Hoffman

What sets blue apart?

What Sets Blue Apart?

We aren’t sure about you, but we’re the kind of people that live for experiences that make us think, feel, and live differently. We believe that traveling to new places can make us remarkably receptive to inner change. When we travel, we always try a different workout at a new studio, hire a surf instructor to show us the waves, rent a kayak and paddle a new river, or seek out the local way of life. By breaking up our normal routines and environments, we can experience ourselves differently as we remember what it’s like to move, connect, and explore in a playful, yet intentional way. 

Blue was founded from the desire to share movement, connection, and the exploration of cultures other than our own. We want to elevate traveling for people who work hard and play harder–creating experiences for people who want to maximize every moment of their vacation time. It’s true that we can get quite comfortable doing what we always do where we always do it.  We’ve been there - and we need a reminder to switch things up.

Creating a purpose driven experience that makes the most of every moment takes a lot of time and energy—something we all have a limited amount of.  We’ve hand tested everything from the driver who will pick you up at the airport, the surf instructor who will show you the wave, and the beautiful boutique hotel you will call home.  Our team prioritizes working closely with locals to truly understand the best ways to enjoy a new destination. Not to mention our team of fitness instructors with thousands of combined hours of training under their belt that will leave your body and mind feeling different than when it arrived. We don't just talk about purpose driven experiences—we seek them out every day and get to work alongside others who share these same values. We’re quite proud of the experience we’ve curated, and we’re absolutely stoked for you to experience it. 

Blue’s Purpose Meets Performance Retreats offer a unique mix of physical movement and self-exploration. We offer a variety of physical movement options from yoga, beach training, functional strength workouts, apnea pool workouts, and more. Explore the area through hiking, surfing, sailing, or diving, and engage with the local culture during a sound bath, a cacao ceremony, or a temazcal sweat. The physical is great, it really is, but so is the mental. Come to move, connect, and explore how to recalibrate alignment in your life and develop strategies and techniques to find greater passion for life.  

Our experiences are created for people like you, who are motivated to live with passion and purpose, but often yearn for something more. Our experiences are catered to high performers who desire to perform with excellence in all aspects of life and gain energy from doing so around others who share those same values—a purpose driven experience.  Our approach goes beyond just workouts, exploration and meditation; we foster connection and alignment with your true self – a transformation that stays with you even after you leave. We cannot wait for you to experience it.

Blue’s next Purpose Meets Performance Retreat is October 20-24th in Sayulita, Mexico. Visit our retreat page here to reserve your spot today. Can’t make it in October? Follow us on Instagram (@blue.sayulita) to catch the release of our first 2023 retreat!

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Stefan Hoffman Stefan Hoffman

Transformation: emerging on the other side

Transformation: Emerging on the Other Side.

Think about an experience when you emerged differently than you entered. Maybe it was simply just a moment in time, an instant, a lesson. Perhaps it was an unexpected shift, in turn, providing an unexpected lesson. This lesson, unintended, subconsciously desired, and ever so necessary. Does the word “lesson” even begin to describe these moments of energy and change? Lessons, big or small, happen often—almost daily—whether you are looking for them or not. Emerging from a moment different than you entered? That’s transformation.

Blue creates experiences that go beyond lessons —Blue creates space for true transformation to occur. 

In 5 days’ time, we watched as five individuals experienced transformation through Blue’s movement, connection, and alignment experience. This month, Blue hosted a small private retreat, a one-of-a-kind experience for our guests to move intentionally. Hard and soft exercises enabled these guests an opportunity to look within; peeling back layers on what their values mean in practice and in everyday life. Blue curated a holistic experience to help each individual discover how identifying their purpose can encourage intention in every moment—starting with the first deep breath in the morning and carrying that intention through to that exhausted sigh at the end of the night. 

This work isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires deep motivation and willingness to embrace the unexpected. It requires a self-trust—trust that putting in the work, letting down your walls, and pushing your capabilities, can truly pay off. Even the motivated have potential within them for greater motivation. This type of motivation drives purpose and illuminates opportunities and ideas that you may never have thought possible. This is an opportunity to truly feel transformed.

Think “fire in your gut, take on the world” type of feeling. Think “I need more of this, more of these people, more of this feeling, desire for greater transformation” type of feeling. Think “relaxed shoulders and soft smile” type of feeling - that feeling when you know you are aligned with those around you.

But what does this feeling look like? What does a Holistic High Performance Experience look like? 


Imagine—waking up with the sun, walking down to the beach to hear the waves crash as the horizon begins to fade from dark blue to orange. Our eyes are heavy…we begin by using these natural elements as our backdrop during guided breathwork. Movement in the sand then begins to awaken our limbs and increase blood flow. A splash in the ocean to energize our senses and send a shock through our nervous system. We are here, now. We have arrived. The optimal morning routine helps hack circadian rhythm so the benefits can be experienced throughout the entire day. 

Blue integrates multiple forms of movement throughout our experiences to challenge your body, open your mind, and cultivate a bond with your community. Yoga allows a greater individual understanding of how our body moves and what we are truly capable of. Banded partner beach sprints promote trust and accountability during our functional beach training.  A simple morning run bonds a community when everyone crosses the finish line together. 


From the start, meals are taken as a community and quickly become a family affair. Whether it is a thoughtful discussion during dinner provided by a local chef featuring fresh fish and healthy fats or a sweaty post-yoga morning breakfast filled with colorful fruits and wholesome proteins. Food not only fuels our bodies, it nourishes our souls—it connects us.

After an afternoon spent reflecting and sharing on legacy and purpose, we took a break to paddle out into the ocean right outside our Villa on some surfboards. Time for a deep breath, opening us up to moments of playful laughter in a kid-like state. With no real plans to surf (and a lack of waves at the time), we simply enjoyed the feeling of being out at sea, the current under our boards and the sun setting on the horizon. 


During this private retreat, one of our workshops was held at the local Polo Club, which required a trust in our leaders, the group, and our individual self as we embraced a certain level of trust and surrender to the horses walking around us. Though extremely calm and unbothered by our presence, these powerful animals command attention; they can feel our energy, they can sense every fiber of our being. This newfound  trust and surrender quickly transformed our conversation, which elicited deep introspection, sharing, and a realization that we are more the same than we are different – a lesson that continued to show up during our time together.

These experiences—the movement, the discussion, the reflection—bonded this group and transformed each of us. Transformation that doesn’t end at the retreat but transcends beyond. Transformation that shifts the way in which we view our lives, our purpose—bringing us to contemplate our legacy differently. 

How can I begin my day both physically and mentally to wake up energized and motivated? 

How can I continue to bring attention to what matters most, and let that impact my life holistically? 

How can I live in accordance with my values, consider the person I desire to be, and act towards my purpose each day? 

Take a minute for yourself today—ponder these questions, here and now. Practice stillness and listen to your thoughts. Maybe something comes up, maybe it doesn’t. Even the most motivated can uncover greater motivation towards purpose. If you’re looking for an experience like this, an opportunity to be around like-minded individuals who desire to make the most of each moment, join Blue for a Holistic High Performance Retreat and be open to leaving differently than you arrived.

Blue’s next Holistic High Performance Retreat is October 20-24th in Sayulita, Mexico. Visit our retreat page here to reserve your spot today. Can’t make it in October? Follow us on Instagram (@blue.sayulita) to catch the release of our first 2023 retreat!

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